In this rare circa 1910 view, we see a well-known Connecticut Company open car crossing the "high bridge" near Shelton, Connecticut, heading towards Bridgeport. This long-gone bridge crossed over a ravine and ran parallel to the Housatonic River seen in the background. On February 22, 1921, a tragic collision of two cars burned eight people to death and injured another twenty-five. The collision caused a five gallon can of gasoline, carried on board one of the cars, to explode and burning both. According to a Daily Kennebec Journal (Maine) article of the time, the Fairfield County coroner, John J. Phelan, "expressed the opinion that there would have been no loss of life and probably very few injuries if the gasoline had not been in the car". To read the full article on this well-publicized trolley line catastrophe, click Here. For more information on the Connecticut Company, click Here.

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